Interactive Workshop: Boost your visibility! Networking for Women in Science
- Women@DDc-Netzwerk
- 22.11.202217:00 - 18:30Anmeldeschluss:15.11.2022
Im Detail
In this interactive workshop you will learn the about the Power of Networking, Strategic Networking and Your Visibility, and Networking Methods. You will learn to what extent networks can contribute to your professional development, where and how you can strategically establish contacts and how your own network can be expanded and maintained. You will also have the opportunity to actively train to have easy conversations with anyone at conferences and other networking events – while at the same time enlarging your network to other women in science!
Trainer: Dr. Stephanie Rohac
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Anmeldung bis zum 15.11.2022 vorzugsweise per LinkedIn Event Registration oder unter der Email-Adresse
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